UA Controlled Environment Agriculture Center
Research, Instruction & Extension for Producing Crops with Sustainability, Efficiency & Eco-Friendliness
The Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC) is a multidisciplinary education, research, outreach, and extension program of the University of Arizona on controlled environment agriculture. The CEAC is heavily involved with Biosystems Engineering, Plant Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Education, Technology and Innovation Departments, as well as other academic units within the University.
Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) is the production of plants and their products, such as vegetables and flowers, inside controlled environment structures such as greenhouses, vertical farms, and growth chambers. By using CEA, we can produce high-value crops at maximum productivity in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.

Student Spotlight
Learn about Biosystems Engineering graduate student, KC Shasteen and his research efforts in the UA-CEAC's Vertical Farm.

Research Highlight
Read about UA-CEAC's ongoing research- Energy Producing Greenhouse: Organic Photovoltaics Integrated Greenhouse

Continuous Impact in the CEA Industry
UA-CEAC almuni, Jenn Frymark, works with Gotham Greens as they expand into the Greater Denver Area.
Interested in Learning About Controlled Environment Agriculture?
UA-CEAC holds public events and workshops for those wanting to broaden their knowledge in controlled environment agriculture.
In the News
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events listed.